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Happy trading, Team Equiti
Legal Documentation
Margined FX and contracts for difference are complex leveraged products which carry a high level of risk and can result in losses that exceed your initial investment. We recommend you seek professional advice before investing.
Equiti Brokerage (Seychelles) Limited is a company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, under registration number 8428558-1, with its registered address at First Floor, Marina House, Eden Island, Republic of Seychelles.
Equiti Brokerage (Seychelles) Limited is authorised by the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles under license number SD064 as a Securities Dealers Broker.
We provide an execution-only service. We do not provide investment advice or management services. Any analysis, opinion, commentary or research-based material in this e-mail is for information and educational purposes only and is not, under any circumstances, intended to be an offer, recommendation, advice or solicitation to buy or sell.
© 2025 Equiti First Floor, Marina House, Eden Island, Republic of Seychelles