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sin Drive. The estate sits about 1,600 feet (490 m) above sea level, in a gully at the base of the McDowell Mountains in Maricopa County. The modern estate covers 491 acres (199 ha) and has flowers planted along its border. Originally, Taliesin West was reached by an access road measuring about 1.75 miles (2.82 km) long. There was a masonry gate and a stanchion partway along the road. The end of the road, just outside the main buildings, has a landscaped median. An array of 4,000 solar panels is installed on the estate, near the base of a hill. Nearby are the McDowell Mountains' two highest peaks: Thompson Peak and McDowell Peak. The surrounding desert contains volcanic rock that ranges in color from red and umber to blue-gray and purple. The estate overlooks the cities of Tempe and Chandler to the south, the Phoenix Mountains to the southwest. The Central Arizona Project canal passes by the estate as well. Before the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright acquired the site, the land had never been developed, although several Native American peoples inhabited the surrounding area until the 19th century. Some of the boulders throughout the complex contain Native American petroglyphs, which were crea