In February 2025, the veteran unemployment rate was 4.0%, up from 3.8% the previous month and up from 2.8% the prior year. Also in February 2025, the comparable non-veteran unemployment rate was 4.0%, up from 3.9% the previous month and up from 3.8% the prior year. The unemployment rates are seasonally adjusted for individuals aged 18 years and over in the civilian non-institutional population.
White Veterans 4.0% White Nonveterans 3.9% Black or African American Veterans 3.9% Black or African American Nonveterans 6.1% Asian Veterans 3.8% Asian Nonveterans 3.2% Hispanic or Latino Veterans 6.1% Hispanic or Latino Nonveterans 5.5%
Veterans with a disability 6.5% Nonveterans with a disability 7.7% Veterans with no disability 2.7% Nonveterans with no disability 3.8%
*12-month moving average generated using unpublished data tables from the Disability package obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Table 16. Employment status of persons 18 years and over by veteran status, period of service, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and disability status. The unemployment rates are not seasonally adjusted for individuals aged 18 years and over in the civilian non-institutional population. Source: Current Population Survey (