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Mallinckrodt and Endo exploring a $7B merger — report Read in browser
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12 March, 2025
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1. Viking Therapeutics taps CordenPharma to manufacture its obesity drugs
2. Researchers make case against Gilead in HIV product hopping fight
3. Mallinckrodt and Endo exploring a $7B merger — report
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Trump blog: CDC, CMS nominees get their turn for Senate hearings
5. Legend to double Carvykti production as it targets blockbuster status 
6. #CROI25: Merck’s troubled HIV drug heads to regulators; ViiV seeks longer-acting HIV treatment
7. Ono licenses rare blood disease drug from Ionis for $280M upfront
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Alexis Kramer

Agencies, including the HHS, have until Thursday to submit Phase 1 of their plans for reductions in force and restructuring, according to a federal memo. Phase 1 plans should include “whether the agency or any of its subcomponents should be eliminated or consolidated,” according to the memo from the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Personnel Management.

Alexis Kramer
Editor, Endpoints News
by Anna Brown

Viking Ther­a­peu­tics has con­tract­ed CD­MO Cor­den­Phar­ma for a to­tal of $150 mil­lion to make bil­lions of clin­i­cal and com­mer­cial dos­es of its GLP-1/GIP re­cep­tor ag­o­nist for weight loss.

The Swiss CD­MO will man­u­fac­ture the API and fin­ished drug prod­uct of VK2735 in both the in­jectable and oral dosage forms, ac­cord­ing to a Tues­day re­lease. The CD­MO has com­mit­ted to make 100 mil­lion au­toin­jec­tors and 100 mil­lion vials and sy­ringes for the in­jectable form, as well as one bil­lion oral tablets. Viking will pay in in­stall­ments over the next three years.

Cor­den­Phar­ma has been mak­ing moves to boost ca­pac­i­ty, in­vest­ing an­oth­er €100 mil­lion in­to its €900 mil­lion growth plan. That project will ex­pand two fac­to­ries in Col­orado and build a third on the same site. It will al­so con­struct a fac­to­ry in Basel, Switzer­land.

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by Zachary Brennan

Can Gilead be held ac­count­able for hold­ing back the sale of an HIV drug it al­leged­ly knew was safer than its block­buster pre­de­ces­sor?

That's the ques­tion be­fore the Cal­i­for­nia Supreme Court, and the an­swer could of­fer a unique ex­am­ple of a sit­u­a­tion where a phar­ma com­pa­ny can be li­able for a prod­uct that isn’t de­fec­tive.

Two aca­d­e­mics from the Uni­ver­si­ty of West Vir­ginia and Dart­mouth wrote in a JA­MA View­point on Wednes­day that there's a strong case to be made against Gilead be­cause it knew that the lat­er prod­uct was safer and de­lib­er­ate­ly de­layed the launch of that drug.

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US Pharma and Biotech Summit
Join top executives, investors, and policymakers at the US Pharma & Biotech Summit for exclusive insights and discussions on the biggest trends impacting the industry. Early bird rates end March 16 — register now.
by Max Bayer

Mallinck­rodt Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and En­do are in talks over a po­ten­tial merg­er worth about $7 bil­lion, ac­cord­ing to a re­port from Bloomberg News.

The out­let re­port­ed that the two spe­cial­ty phar­mas are dis­cussing a pro­pos­al that would give each rough­ly 50% con­trol of the com­bined com­pa­ny. The pair could agree to a deal as soon as this week, ac­cord­ing to the re­port, which cit­ed sources with knowl­edge of the ne­go­ti­a­tions.

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives for En­do and Mallinck­rodt did­n't im­me­di­ate­ly re­spond to re­quests for com­ment on the sto­ry.

En­do has al­ready been on the deal­mak­ing cir­cuit, sell­ing its in­ter­na­tion­al busi­ness to Cana­da-based Knight Ther­a­peu­tics ear­li­er this week for $84 mil­lion up­front, with an­oth­er $15 mil­lion in po­ten­tial mile­stones. That deal is ex­pect­ed to close by the mid­dle of the year.

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Endpoints In Focus

Dave Wel­don and Mehmet Oz, Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s nom­i­nees to lead the CDC and CMS, are set for their con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings this week and are ex­pect­ed to face ques­tions on vac­cines, staffing cuts and more.

The de­bunked link be­tween vac­cines and autism will like­ly be a fo­cal point dur­ing Wel­don’s hear­ing on Thurs­day, as the for­mer con­gress­man has been sym­pa­thet­ic to con­cerns about vac­cines and autism in the past. The is­sue came up sev­er­al times dur­ing the con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings for HHS Sec­re­tary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as well as for Trump’s NIH and FDA nom­i­nees.

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Ying Huang, Legend Biotech CEO
by Anna Brown

Un­lock­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing ca­pac­i­ty will be key for Leg­end Biotech and John­son and John­son in achiev­ing their goal of reach­ing “block­buster sta­tus” for Carvyk­