Employment Status and Class of Worker Table Package Now Available
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new Employment Status and Class of Worker tables from the 2023 American Community Survey 1-year estimates. These data are supplemented with additional demographic and labor force content to provide cross tabulations on sex, race and ethnicity, level of education, place of birth, occupation, industry, and field of degree across class of worker categories. The tables provide data on workers that are in the private sector, government or self-employed (i.e., own business, professional practice or farm) for the civilian labor force (including both the employed and unemployed).
The table package also shows differences in class of worker for select metropolitan areas.
  The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data products from the Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS), a survey that measures business conditions and projections on an ongoing basis. The BTOS includes data for multiunit/multilocation businesses. BTOS will continue to collect data complementary to key items found on other economic surveys, such as revenues, employees, hours, and inventories.
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