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Are we in our “post-ambition” era?

Rewind to a decade ago, and women were hustling, “leaning in,” and girlbossing — with the millennial-pink power suits to prove we were ready to shatter some ceilings. Today? We’re searching for “dumb jobs” and fauxductivity is on the rise.

cat putting paw on woman's hand which is typing on a laptop

We all know what happened: The pandemic burnout train hit hard. Working, living, and homeschooling within the same four walls had a lot of us reaching a breaking point. And just when we thought we had a chance to take back some control of our lives, companies decided to backpedal on all those accommodations that made working and living more seamless. Remote work? A distant memory. Flexibility to leave early for your kid’s soccer game? Not without some side-eye. Instead, businesses are mandating five days in the office (looking at you, Amazon) while laying people off left and right.

Dig a little deeper, and employees gravitating toward “easy work” isn’t a reflection on us or our ambition, drive, and sense of purpose with our jobs — it’s that we’re sick and tired of climbing an old-school corporate ladder that leads nowhere. Proof: Women are creating new businesses at a record rate, the OverEmployedWomen thread on Reddit is buzzing, and more folks are going after their “FIRE” financial goals. Ambition no longer means pursuing a certain title or number on a paycheck, but making your job (or “portfolio career”) work for you. In fact, we’ve never felt more driven to go after what we want — and trash anything that’s holding us back. 

— “Not leaning in, just living,” Skimm Money Team

PS: Today is the first edition of your new Skimm Money newsletter. We hope you love it. (Ask your friends to subscribe, too, so you can get smarter together.)

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