November 19

we have a timeout problem with the Web Messenger, which is integrated with Google DialogFlow CX.
We are aware that there is an 11second timeout set in the integration with third-party bots, as seen in the IDEAS: ‘Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal and
Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal.
What we are seeing, however, is a peculiar behaviour: during the conversation with the chatbot, the customer's question does not reach DFCX at all, this then causes a ‘BotTimeout’ on the Architect side, with an exit in the Failure branch. Since the bot never received the question to be answered, the Messenger assumes that it took too long to answer the request.

We isolated a ConversationID : a22efcd3-4b0c-4061-9183-cce3becf3be3 on our ORG which is on region Frankfurt, where message of 10:12:52, sent by the client through the Messenger, never arrived on the DialogFlowCX side. This then caused a BotTimeout.
Would it be possible to check in the connector logs what is happening?

Thank you

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