In this live demonstration, discover how companies use InfluxDB to provide real-time insights into all aspects of their infrastructure through real-life use cases and technical discussion.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how InfluxDB reduces infrastructure monitoring complexity by streamlining your data collection and managing data across multiple storage locations.
In this demo, you will learn how customers use InfluxDB and dive deeper into its technical aspects, such as:
- Collecting observability data (metrics, logs, and traces) at scale using different protocols (OpenTelemetry, Kafka, MQTT, etc.)
- Using InfluxDB 3.0 as a gPRC backend for Jaeger traces.
- Leveraging Grafana and InfluxDB 3.0 together to visualize highly granular metric, trace, and log data.
- Persisting data to Apache Parquet easily and automatically. Saving these highly compressed Parquet files on low-cost cloud object store lets you save more data in less space so you can meet your long-term data retention requirements.
- And much more…