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DECEMBER 3, 2024
From TechTarget | 150 Editors, Objective IT Coverage
  In the news
High performance is just one characteristic needed for AI storage; another is bulk storage for data not currently in use. 45Drives is offering customized offerings for both.

  Featured Stories
How AI is reshaping threat intelligence
As promising as AI technology is for threat intelligence, organizations grapple with a long learning curve and other challenges that could impede successful adoption.
How to build an effective third-party risk assessment framework
Don't overlook the threats associated with connecting vendors and partners to internal systems. Do your due diligence and use third-party risk assessments to prevent supply chain attacks.
How to craft a cost-effective backup strategy
A cost-effective data backup plan requires IT teams to examine their data protection requirements and choose the right strategy that fits into what the business can spend.
Your Words
of the Day
A threat intelligence feed, also known as a TI feed, is an ongoing stream of data related to potential or current threats to an organization's security.
Managed extended detection and response (MXDR) is an outsourced service that collects and analyzes threat data from across an organization's IT environment.
A cyber attack is any malicious attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer, computing system or computer network with the intent to cause damage.

  Our Editors
Adam Armstrong
News Writer
Jill McKeon
Associate Editor
Amy Larsen DeCarlo
Principal Analyst, Security and Data Center Services

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