IDM Stakeholders,
This is a reminder that the IDM Team will host the first IDM User Group Meeting of the year on Wednesday, January 29th from 1:05 - 2:00PM, EST.
We encourage application Business Owners and System Maintainers to join this month's meeting to ensure they are aware of our development and maintenance activities. Application teams will also have the opportunity to provide feedback on the IDM system.
The Outlook invite for this iteration of the IDM User Group meeting is attached to this bulletin for your convenience. Additional information, including the Zoom and dial-in information for the meeting, can be found on the IDM Partner Page.
Additional information regarding IDM's service offerings, system documentation & helpful resources, as well as the Request to Integrate functionality can be found on the new CMS Identity Store.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to:
Thank you,
The CMS IDM Team