The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is currently drafting an opinion, on "Cohesion policy as a key engine in achieving EU goals and reforms - How to further build on its performance-based approach while respecting decentralisation, partnership and multilevel governance".
This opinion, which has been requested by the Polish Presidency of the Council, aims at exploring how the future programming and implementation of Cohesion Policy can be developed in order to further strengthen its performance-based approach without weakening its golden principles (shared management, multi-level governance, partnership, and place-based approach) and to provide recommendations concerning the link to investments and reforms.
The rapporteur for this opinion, Ms. Isabelle Boudineau (FR/PES), member of the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, would be pleased to meet representatives of relevant stakeholder organisations for a consultation on the theme of the opinion, in order to gather the different points of views and discuss the main issues.
The meeting will be held in English and French.
In case you wish to participate, please register until 29 January 2025 at 12:00.
Webstreaming will be also available here (no possibility to take the floor).
In addition, if you have any position papers relevant to the subject, you are welcome to send them by email to the CoR COTER Secretariat by 31 January 2025.