Genesys Employee
January 17 |
I am not familiar with the usage of this api but I do know of a preview api that might be suitable. POST /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query should get you the data you need.
If you would prefer not to use a preview api, I can ask the api team if there is a suitable public api.
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January 15 |
Genesys Employee
January 15 |
Looking at the docs for this api POST /api/v2/taskmanagement/workbins/query it looks that this api uses a parameter called after
to achieve the functionality you mentioned.
January 13 |
I am pulling data for Work Bins and Work Items from the get_taskmanagement_workitems_query_job Genesys API. For most Genesys API calls, I can select a page by inputting a page size and cursor. This allows me to pull all the data I need from each page of the results. For example, using the Python SDK for the Conversation API, I can input a page size and cursor as seen below:
“api_response = api_instance.get_analytics_conversations_details_job_results(job_id, cursor=cursor, page_size=page_size)”
However, for the Work Items Query Job, there is no option to input a cursor or page size. I am unable to select which page I want to pull data from. Therefore, I cannot use this API currently. Is there another way to select a page of the results for this API, or does Genesys plan to add these inputs in the future for this API call? Without those inputs, I am not currently able to pull all the data available through this API call. The Python SDK showing no option for cursor or page size is below:
“api_response = api_instance.get_taskmanagement_workitems_query_job_results(job_id)”
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