01/20 Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday/Inauguration Day (Student Holiday, No School) 01/28 End of 2nd Quarter 01/29 Teacher Workday (Student Holiday, No School) 01/30 Bingo Night (5:30pm – 7:30pm, Gym) 01/31 Parent Coffee (9:00am, Cafeteria) Topic: General Health Information & School clinic 02/03 Family Food Market (3:45-5:00pm, Cafeteria) 02/05 Report Cards Go Home 02/20 Student Parent Lunch (Lunch Time, Cafeteria)
Highlights of school events and pictures will return next week.
On Thursday, January 30, 2025, we will be hosting our BINGO night at ATES! Doors will open at 5:30pm. Families will be invited to purchase pizza, snacks, and sodas in the cafeteria. We will begin the BINGO game at 6:15pm in the gym ($1.00 for two bingo cards) and run it through 7:30pm. Be sure to bring some cash. All the proceeds will be donated to ATES PTA. We hope to see you there!
ACCESS for ELLs (English Language Learners) is an English language proficiency test that measures students’ academic English language skills. Testing helps teachers understand whether students have the language skills they need to fully participate in the classroom. Your child’s teachers use ACCESS for ELLs test scores as they decide how best to teach your child.
Your child does not need to study for the ACCESS for ELLs. The test is an opportunity for students to demonstrate all the ways they understand and can communicate in English. Prepare for test day by making sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats breakfast. The testing schedule will be shared in a newsletter soon. After testing, scores will be sent home to families. If your child is participating in the ACCESS for ELLs assessment, you will or have already received a notification of testing letter. If you have any questions, please reach out to school testing coordinators, Nicole Scher & Ashley Ireland at nrscher@fcps.edu or asireland@fcps.edu.